maandag 10 juni 2024

Heart Of The Artichoke. Bloomsday

With the two singles Bloomsday released in the past weeks, 'Dollar Slice' and 'Virtual Hug', a tremendous progression was indicated that Heart Of The Artichoke as a whole shows as well. From a shy person to someone who appears to be totally relaxed and at peace, if not loved. Listening to the album that are the feelings that come across in my living room, correct or not.

On 10 June 2022 Bloomsday's debut album, 'Places To Land', was reviewed on this blog. Exactly two years later we find album number two. At the time Bloomsday was a duo. No longer. Iris James Garrison (they/them) is in the lead and how. Their voice is the star of this show. Soft, yet self-assured, less Adrianne Lenker and more Iris James Garrison. In fact, the more the album progresses the more they show their owness, making the album better by the song. And the start is already so good. 'Where I End And You Begin' is a great song.

Musically the album is as tough as a folky, singer-songwriter album can be. I do not mind to call it indie. If anything, the arrangements are "decent", but rich. The sound is so wide. All the instruments can be heard separately, in a beautiful way. It makes Heart Of The Artichoke a very mature sounding album. No matter how beautiful the sound, everything serves that beautiful voice. It is up front and the star of this album's show. This is the unexpected element of the album, as I did not associate Garrison's voice with beauty in the past. Here I do and no little.

All musicians and co-producer Ryan Albert play in other bands and got together for 10 days in Albert's and his band Babehoven's studio in up state New York. In those 10 days magic must have happened, as this album sounds so tremendously organic. In that sense this album can fall in line with recent great albums from New Zealand from the likes of Vera Ellen or Reb Fountain.

Whether Garrison plays mostly with just a guitar and their voice, like in 'Carefully' or a full band plays with them, it is like they are all playing right in front of me, like in a living room show. The sound is so warm and rich, while at the same time I am convinced that not a superfluous note can be heard on Heart Of The Artichoke. What did not have to be on the album, must have been left on the mixing floor.

Where 'Place To Land' was nice but did not last for me, Heart Of The Artichoke has already a place in my heart. I have played the album a lot in the past days and still cannot get enough. Bloomsday has set a giant step with the songs on this album. Beauty combined with determination to succeed this album is. Mission accomplished.

Wout de Natris

You can listen to and order Heart Of The Artichoke here:

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