woensdag 16 maart 2022

The Origin Of Air Quotes. The Slow Clock

There are albums that pose a challenge to me. The kind of album that I instantly like but can not find the right angle to write about. The story does not present itself to me. Like what happened to me at my final high school exam Dutch, where nothing presented itself as it always had in the past. I simply had nothing to say on any of the topics.

It's here where I have the advantage. The Origin Of Air Quotes is a fine, no, more than fine album and surpasses everything I have heard by The Slow Clock so far and that is a good place to start.

The music is on the alternative side of pop music, but pop music it is. At times pretending to be uglier than it is, at times going for the pearls or for the speed while displaying a great melody. The Velvet Underground, Django Django, The Cure influences all can be heard. Obvious alternative rock/pop influences. There's also a nod to The Beatles in the harmonies and a sprinkling of Frank Zappa in the weird voices here and there. In other words, varied.

The Slow Clock fits in at the fringe of what is happening in alternative rock all over this country in the past few years. It could make songs like this, but after shedding youthful exuberance, The Slow Clock is able to present a deeper layer within its songs So, less effect by making the melodies come out more and shine, real bright.

I have never met Harmen Kuiper, as he is The Slow Clock, but I imagine someone going to his job during the day and hone his songs in his spare time. A lot of love and hard work must have gone into working out these songs, so a lot of spare time. Every single one sounds just right. The right lick, the right sound, different voices for different songs. Put the album on and be amazed how diverse it is. And how exciting some of the songs are. The one because it is up tempo and exciting, the other because of the way the guitars only barely fit the others' melodies or just because of the beauty contained in the songs. All together, you will find there's a lot going on on The Origin Of Air Quotes.

All that hard work paid off. This album is a modest album, because Kuiper wanted it to sound modest. You do not find things that do not need to be there. What I hear is exactly enough. Not long ago I wrote of New Zealand's Pickle Darling and Astral Swans from Canada. Somewhat longer ago on Moon Moon Moon from The Netherlands. The three one man bands are certainly kinsmen of The Slow Clock. With ease The Origin Of Air Quotes fits in with the quality of these albums.

What makes up a masterpiece? For me, in music, three album come up immediately, well four, two by the same band, 'Abbey Road', 'Wish You Were Here'/'Dark Side Of The Moon'. 'Grace'. No, sorry, The Origin Of Air Quotes will never fit in between there. I will go as far as calling it a modest masterpiece. The songs are all intricately made, well-thought out and able to truly reach me. The album has a few songs that stand out in a way the best Django Django song, 'Giant' does. 'Like Another Leopard' is one of these songs. 'Cutting A Zero' could have been a relentless rock song, but here is the 'Giant' quality once again. In the slower segment, start with 'Inappropriately So' and the next song on the album, 'Monumental'. It all points me to the overarching conclusion, The Slow Clock does not have to resort to effects to bring out its best. The song does the work all by itself. Of, course, there is an embellishment in the form of a harmony vocal or extra guitar line. They all strengthen the end result.

I've said what I wanted to say, I think and emerge myself once again in 'Cutting A Zero'. What a song! And what a lot of words for someone who had no idea where to start.

Wout de Natris

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