vrijdag 26 juli 2024

Something Like A War. Already Dead

Something Like A War is a punk album as they should sound. The opening song that already came by in one of the weekly singles' post tells it all. Already Dead combines anger with two elements that determine a great punk song, melody and a chorus that begs singing. 'The Spirit of Massachusetts Avenue' is a fantastic song that any punk(rock) band would kill for. It easily equals the opening song of Rancid's latest, 'Tomorrow Never Comes', if it does not surpass it like Tadej Pocagar did with all his opponents in this year's Tour de France, like a game of 'Pacman'. Three men sing the leads, with rough voices that have seen the road and life in various ways. The guitar plays a great riff and little sharp solos. My ears are opened and ready to receive more of Something Like A War.

Already Dead is doing everything to prove it is the opposite of. There's nothing but then really, really nothing dead about this band. If ever there was a punk band alive than it is Already Dead. The band has become a four man band again with its new bass player Brian Ferrazzani. He joined singer/guitarist Dan Cummings, guitarist/singer Brandon Barlett and drummer Nick Cali. The Boston punkers released their second album with Something Like A War. Only in 2022 it released its first single 'Stability' followed by the album 'My Collar Is Blue' a few months later.

It does not make sense to single out any other songs. Already Dead gives each song its all. Sure, there may be some variation, even a "relaxing", everything is relative, is it not, interlude and non-electric guitar, even a mandoline. Pressed to name another band, I would opt for The Offspring and add a sense of seriousness that the L.A. band not always has, like the already mentioned Rancid. The band may play punk, it knows where to find the melody in a song structure to make the songs more attractive. You will find that, no matter how loud a song, it is exactly that, a song. That makes the album a winner.

With 'The Spirit of Massachusetts Avenue' Already Dead gave a promise it seemed impossible to deliver upon. It did though with a great punk album that stands out there with the best in history.

Wout de Natris - van der Borght


You can listen to and order Something Like A War here:


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