woensdag 6 september 2023

Kiss And Tell. Kid Gulliver

Boy, am I glad that this time Simone Berk contacted me it was with happy tidings: A new album by her band Kid Gulliver. Kiss And Tell is the kind of album I have come to expect from many bands from the Boston area. A mix of pop and rock with hints at the 60s as well as the two decades following it. What by now I've have almost taken for granted, is the quality of these records. The band members are all of a certain age, with not only a life in music, but also a regular life behind them. What surprises me so much, is that strong inner drive they all have to create, record and play music. All from a time when we all were much younger and all against the odds of life taking its course. A house, tree, pet and all that comes with (maintaining) it. They all sort of stand in the way and yet don't. Kiss And Tell proves it.

Kid Gulliver is no exception. With Kiss And Tell Simone Berk- vocals, David Armillotti- lead guitar, David Armillotti- bass (are there two David Armillotti's in the band???) and Mark Enet- drums come with an album that is filled to the brim with sparkling pop rock songs. Sparkle is the right word. The bouncing way Kiss And Tell opens with 'Nothing But Trouble' should win everyone over who has a pop-rock heart in the right place. Despite the fact that many songs could have been played by a band like Blondie circa 45 years ago, that edge has been taken out of the songs and replaced by pop and e.g. a Roger McGuinn style guitar, to only pick out one example. It has a high fun factor, replacing the needed punk credibility of 1977/8. Listen to the title song to get my drift.

The song starts with a guitar statement before the band gets in its stride. The running bass of Armillotti is fantastic and all over the place. The bouncing rhythm played by Enet gives the song something special. 'Walk Like An Egyptian' meets 'Hanging By The Telephone', something like that and then add McGuinn's Rickenbacker. The result is an absolute pop song, that ought to be a hit single in my book.

In 'All Because Of You' the Blondie style pop receives a psychedelic part, that references The Beatles clearly. Another very powerful song on the mini album of eight songs. I can easily pick out elements from each song that stand out but refrain from it. You will have gotten the message by now.

In a few days two Berks are on the blog. Both with a great album. First Tamar with 'Tiny Injuries' and now Simone and band. With Kiss And Tell Kid Gulliver has delivered an extremely strong album, filled with great pop songs somewhere between 70s and 80s pop, rock, punk and 60s psychedelics. With Simone Berk up front singing with an equal parts detached and distanced tone of voice, she gives the music that little extra on top of what is already a close to perfect album.

Wout de Natris


You can listen to and order Kiss And Tell here:


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