The show starts with a song from my own collection, what a surprise! Yes, I can divulge here that I tipped .No about Sophie Hunger and now we are both fans. 'Le Vent Nous Portera' is a song from one of her older albums, from before I knew she existed, which started in 2012. The song is a cover of Noir Désir. And now it gets interesting. It is not every day that a song is played on Kairos written by a convicted murderer. The song is from before this deed, so technically it was not written by a murderer, a wife slayer even. I would have wished Bertrand Cantat some Kairos at the time in that Baltic hotel room.
The story takes rather away from the beautiful playing and singing of Sophie Hunger. It holds one of the elements that makes her music so magical: the flügelhorn. Not exactly an instrument that I run into when listening to "pop music", but one that I love hearing when listening to Ms. Hunger.
The moody, dusky song morphs into what? Sounds? That is the best description. Sounds like waves on the beach roll over my ears. With some suggestions at under water sounds as well. Interesting to learn that they're are cd on which the creator of the music does not identify himself. A cd, from a drugstore retailchain, called 'Dance Of The Wind'. This works well as intro for Broeder Dieleman, who we can call a Kairos veteran by now. His song on the furthest darkness, 'Adriana', about someone who never saw the light. His most elementary music has such a large effect. A song that would have fit 100% on 'Gaaphonger', De Kift's album about the winter on Nova Zembla. 'Adriana' is eerie, ghostly, but above all shatteringly good.
'Carrion' by Orcas is a song where there is neither light nor hope. It is all atmosphere, but the melody is caught so beautifully in the vocals. If Snowstar Records hasn't heard this record yet, it should do so soon. Based on this song it is easy to hear how the band would fit in there. The sounds wash over the vocal melody and again I'm reminded of waves. There may officially be no theme this time around, it seems like I found one.
'Carrion' disappears into the piano of Dustin O'Halloran. (An excerpt of?) his Opus 7 is presented. He catches me immediately. The mood is set by all that went before and I can only listen in awe. I close my eyes and let the music carry me to wherever it wants to go. So beautiful. It could have gone on much longer as far as I'm concerned, but I awake from my reverie with a classical guitar or charango. Jean-Pierre Jolicard plays Jorge Michberg's 'Cora Se Durmio. Another piece of music that is so modestly uplifting that closing my eyes is sufficient to enjoy what is going on here.

'Bourgeois Blues' is up next. This song from long ago, gets a very electric treatment. A dirty guitar is accompanied by an instrument that I never heard in blues before: a clarinet. Xavier Charles does things to the woodwind that it was probably not invented for, but who cares. All sorts of effects are applied to it to great effect. Sometimes it is unrecognisable. This song in a way is also empty, but in another totally filled. The atmosphere is nothing like the Ry Cooder version I know, not the part of town Charles and De Boer are in, which is suggesting more of the throat slashing variety. Listening how dirty the song is played, it spells danger the whole way. 'Bourgeois Blues' is a pleasant surprise.

'Giardini di Mirò's 'XXXXX' is the next composition. An electric guitar full of echo, plays a few beautiful notes and chords and is the perfect intro for my absolute hero: Jeff Buckley. 'Dream Brother' has a lead guitar that fits so very well with 'XXXXX', that at first I thought I was listening to a version that I didn't yet know. What can I write about Saint Jeff that I haven't written yet? That I'm moved to tears again, just listening to him? About all the music that we were robbed of when he drowned in that Mississippi river in 1997? Is it 19 years ago this May? Yes, it is. He would have turned 50 this summer. Forgotten? World famous? We will never know. 'Dream Brother is one of his fine songs, full of mystery. Led Zeppelin at heart, sprinkled with the Buckley fairy dust.
Dustin O'Halloran is allowed to return. This time with a 'Minuet For A Cheap Piano Number Two'. I think I can hear that the piano is not exactly sounding very clear. Adam Bryanbaum Wiltze is hired to cover up and produces the finest of sounds.
The English Chamber Orchestra plays a Gavin Bryars composition for cello called 'Farewell To Philosophy'. Dark, moody, befitting the death scene of Socrates, which turned out not to be the end of philosophy after all. Personally this music works rather well. It does not invite thinking nor do I encounter a lot of images. Closing my eyes is enough as I do hear the beauty. .No got me into a very special mood this show. I can already say my favourite to date, which is not really fair as I had a rather, though indirect, big hand in this one. Inspiration by writing?
Broeder Dieleman also returns, this time with 'Zusterstraat' of his album 'Gloria'. It is announced by them birds that weave into the cellos. The raw beauty of Dieleman's violin stands in no contrast to what the English Chamber Orchestra played. There's no comparison of course.

Then a jazzy guitar cuts in and a band starts playing that I have not played since the late 80s is my guess. Paul Weller's familiar voice cuts in and this must be The Style Council. A song in which Mick Talbot is not in sight. 'The Whole Point Of No Return' is small, lovely and unpresumptuous. A perfect ending to a perfect Kairos.
You can listen to this Kairos here:
This is the "setlist":
00:13 Bertrand Cantat (tevens tekst), Denis Barthe, Jean-Paul Roy, Serge Teyssot-Gay. Le vent nous portera.
Van het album 1983 van Sophie Hunger. Two Gentleman, twogtl 009-J.
03:49 Onbekend. Dance of the wind.
Van cd ‘stretching meditation’. Kruidvat 99394
05:16 Broeder Dieleman. Adriana. Broeder Dieleman (Pim van de Werken, Adam Casey, Ersha Sollgar, Janine van Osta, Tonnie Dieleman).
Album: Gloria. Snowstar Records 14-056.
09:46 Orcas (Benoît Pioulard en Rafael Anton Irisarri). Carrion.
Van album Orcas. Morr Music morr 111-cd.
14:43 Dustin O’Halloran. Opus 7. Dustin O’Halloran, piano.
Van het album Vorleben. Fat Cat 130701.
17:55 Jorge Milchberg. Cora se Durmio. Jean-Pierre Jolicard, charango.
Van album Amtasiña van Jean-Pierre Jolicard. CD uitgegeven in eigen beheer.
20:35 Lukas Dikker. Spleen. Van album Owls van Luik. Snowstar Records
25:45 King karoshi (tekst: Patrick Dunphy). Here’sto us. King Karoshi (Rémi Denis, Patrick Dunphy, Alexy Guérer, Antoine Poliquin).
Van de EP ‘catching Echoes’.
28:31 Zea & Xavier Charles. Bourgeois Blues.
Van de single: Bourgeois Blues 7″. Arnold de Boer, gitaar; Xavier Charles, klarinet. Makkum Records MR5.
31:53 Emanuele Errante. Memoirs.
Van het album: Time Elapsing Handheld. Karaoke Kalk CD 75.
40:50 Giardini di Mirò. XXXXX. Giardini di Mirò (Jukka Reverberi, Corrado Nuccini, Luca Di Mira, Mirko Venturelli, Emanuele Reverberi, Andrea Mancin).
Van het album Il Fuoco. Towerblock CD 048
41:42 J.Buckley, M. Grondah, m. Johnson. Dream Brother.
Van album Grace van Jeff Buckley. Sony Music/Columbia 88697995712.
46:59 Dustin O’Halloran en Adam Bryanbaum Wiltze. Minuet for a cheap piano number two. 3:09. Dustin O’Halloran en Adam Bryanbaum Wiltze. Album ‘A Winged Victory for the Sullen. Erased Tape Records ERATP032CD
49:57 Gavin Bryars Poco Meno Mosso uit Cello Concerto (Farewell to Philosophy).
English Chamber Orchestra olv. James Budd; Julian Lloyd Webber, cello.
PHILIPS 473 296-2 PM2.
55:44 Broeder Dieleman. Zusterstraat.
Broeder Dieleman (Pim van de Werken, Adam Casey, Ersha Sollgar, Janine van Osta, Tonnie Dieleman).
Album: Gloria. Snowstar Records 14-056.
57:16 Paul Weller. The whole point of no return. The Style Council.
Van album Café Blue. Polydor 817 535-2.
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