Monday, 17 February 2025

Neànder with Afgrond live. Patronaat Haarlem, Friday 14 February 2025

Photo: Wout de Natris
This was a first for me at the Patronaat, a show of two, very different bands that I will both put under the moniker metal for the sake of ease. The experience was just as different.

I came because of the personal invitation of Jan Korbach, formerly of Glitterhouse Records, to come over and listen to his band Neànder. The music is not in my general musical range, as people following this blog will have noticed. His solo record. 'Atem',  and 'III', Neànder's latest record', both were albums I can well listen to.

Berlin band Neànder plays instrumental music, created by a drummer and three guitarists. This makes it of interest to see how a song develops and what element is brought in and leaves to be replaced by another or by a wall of sound the four create together. Often a composition had an interesting coda, just played by one guitar.

In general it is good to see that the three guitarist obviously have fun in playing their songs. As soon as a song starts, the three start moving as if palmtrees in a tropical wind at the beach. Nothing wild, just swaying to the music, that gives it a relaxed feel, no matter what happens musically.

What is also great is the tight rhythm that is there the whole time, allowing to sway along with the guitarists. True, I had to get in the mood for a few songs, but after that I was totally okay with what was going on and enjoying the music and the experience.

Photo: Wout de Natris
Finally, the true treasure of Neànder's music, is the melodies that come out of the den of noise the four make. It puts life and even some sunshine into the compositions. That melody can be a huge riff supported by all the power coming out of fingers, strings, guitar, effects and amps or lead notes and even loud shredding. The changes change the song, the atmosphere and the experience.

The Patronaat show was Neànder's first headlining show in The Netherlands and was well attended. It should not be the last time it plays a lead show over here.

My final comments is on the artwork on the t-shirts on sale. This is true art and will at some point in time become part of musea collections. I will wear mine proudly in the coming years. Thank you, Jan, for the invite and hope to meet again not too long from now.

And Afgrond (Abyss)? If I ever heard music that was not for me, it was Afgrond's. I just can't listen to grunting, but also the music for me had no head nor tails. Just noise and louder, loudest noise. The guitarist and bassist both have chest long hair, but the way they stood on stage, was as if as soon as the show was over, they stowed their wigs and went back to the accountant's office as fast as they could. Just some well-meant advice. To convince as a band, you have to show some enthusiasm guys. With music this extreme, you have to live it on stage. The grunting singer, impossible to get a single word even, got that right.

Wout de Natris - van der Borght

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