vrijdag 16 februari 2024

The Pendulum Swing. Katherine Priddy

"Sing me to sleep", Katherine Priddy sings in 'A Boat On The River' and believe me people, The Pendulum Swing is an album to fall asleep with. Mind, not because of. I mean this in the most positive way, as this album is so relaxing that it may be a delight to have on a headset before falling asleep. Admittedly, not something I have done since adolescence.

Katherine Priddy is on the U.K. folk scene since 2018 and has made an impression with her first album 'The Eternal Rocks Beneath' and the previous EP 'Wolf'. Not on me. The Pendulum Swing is my debut album by the singer-songwriter. What is so incredibly pleasant, is there is nothing new on this album. It is simply so pleasant to listen to. Starting with Katherine Priddy's voice. It wraps itself around my ears and whispers in them, with soft and soothing tones.

This is Katherine Priddy's album all the way. Her voice is what comes first. It is mixed firmly in front of all the instruments. This makes it the first thing I notice when I put on The Pendulum Swing. That voice, the impression it makes. Of course, the songs are more than okay. Otherwise I would not have been listening and again to the album.

For this album she worked again with producer Simon J Weaver. He brought together a nice set of musicians who accompany her and make her songs shine. No doubt, a set of professionals that lay down a track near instantly. All of them playing at the service of Katherine Priddy, making her shine.

The result is a mix of U.K. folk, with modern tempos and a little pop in the vocal melodies. This music could not have been made in 1970 by Fairport Convention, Nick Drake or Steeleye Span, for that it is far too modern in sound. Meet the musical granddaughter of these acts from way back. She has successfully translated their music to the 2020s.

As a wrote, do not expect to meet earth-shattering new insights, do prepare to meet elegant beauty, as it is found in abundance on The Pendulum Swing.

(And, Cooking Vinyl, if you like this so much, start giving a listen to Dublin's Jane Willow! She deserves it.)

Wout de Natris

You can listen to and order the album here:


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