Here's is the second instalment of the the singer-songwriter event at Supermarkt, Den Haag. Part one was published yesterday.
Next in line was a singer-songwriter from Utrecht, Daniël Tempelman. The first one with a deep voice, so finally a Leonard Cohen version of the singer-songwriter. Also one for which the guitar playing seems more important than the singing itself. There was a lot going on on snares and the frets in between. Melody lines and bass lines, accents, all nearly at the same time. 'Hand of death' is the song that left the most impression on me. Whether I could listen to a whole album by Tempelman, I can't truly tell. It may be that his voice is to even for that. Fact is that for four songs his set was balanced and good. Interesting guitar playing and a mysterious voice that may need this little edge that comes with things we are not supposed to do any more: loads of cigarettes smoke and bourbon.
Simone Toet, photo Wo. |
Next in line was Simone Toet. Joni Mitchell came to mind straight away. A very clear and powerful voice. All four songs had quality and were presented with self assurance. Toet is a jazz singer and that showed here and there, although singer-songwriter is at the basis of her songs. Perhaps in some spots in the songs she made it just too difficult for herself. More chords than strictly necessary, that led to minor mistakes. The good thing is that these slips or minor falterings took nothing away from the powerful performance. Simone Toet is honing her skills and I would be surprised if we will not hear from her in the future. An album is scheduled for release in 2015.
Tim Krikke, photo Wo. |
With Tom Krikke some extra energy came loose. He did not have a jetlag, having just arrived back from Brasil, where he had vacationed to "celebrate his third honeymoon", something he could recommend to anyone. The question is which element of course in this story. My impression was straight away that here was someone one stage that had done this many times before and routinely did his thing. But in a great way, especially because he was in such sharp contrast with most other artists that evening. That goes to show that the singer-songwriter moniker is nice capstone, but after a singer-songwriter can go off in any direction. Yes, usually it is a person with just a guitar (no harmonicas this night!), but the styles are many and far apart. Tom Krikke goes for it with a load of enthusiasm and stands his ground effortlessly.
Mieke van Veen, photo Wo. |
At the side of the stage in the meantime there was a woman with a garment in a colour we call a "zuurstok". Matching pumps to boot. Short, blond hair, worn backwards in a severe way. Mieke van Veen with a percussionist. Her debut album will be out in September and may well be something to watch out for. Here's a lady who can sing, play guitar and knows exactly how to give a song a pleasant twist in all the right places. My prejudices were gone within the first notes of her playing. I can only hope that the album will make all her strengths shine and not reflect the hobbies of the producer. If you listen to 'Riverside', one of the four songs she played, you will hear that her record may be nothing but sensational. Can't wait to hear it.
Last were a singer and a pianist (before Gerben Boots and Shane Alexander came back for a second set), but I noticed that I had heard too much. So sorry, Arie and piano player, you were doing your best, but I could not absorb any more. Also it was a bit too serious to my taste.
With 'You are the light', one of Shane Alexander's most beautiful songs, ringing in my ears, I went home into the night, where I found out that the NS was having track and signal troubles, so I did not arrive in my home town even later in the night. Still, a night well spend.
Daniël Tempelman, '
Hand of death'.
Simone Toet: '
Time and space'.
Tom Krikke: I couldn't find a song but there is a great Brazilian waterfall video he posted on You Tube if you like to see it.
Mieke van Veen: '
Shane Alexander: '
You are the light'.
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