Sunday Sun, photo: Wo. |
Sunday Sun is an old favourite on this blog. All the EPs were reviewed in the fall of 2012, an interview with Yoshi Breen was published and Sunday Sun featured in a post called "Holland's got talent" about Waterpop in Wateringen last summer. Now Sunday Sun has started a new tour, with a new drummer called Bart Menkehorst, playing mostly songs of an album that is not there yet. Always a bit problematic. We have good news though. I found myself singing along with lyrics and melodies I had never heard before in my life and some are real gems. Can't wait for September.
Yoshi Breen. Photo: Wo. |
In only a little filled smaller venue of Het Paard Sunday Sun gave a near perfect show. Except for parents of one of the bands playing (Bade for the support act) I was the oldest in the room. If Sunday Sun manages to make the jump to the generations that have some mileage in pop music then they will play for filled venues. The music has everything in it to make that possible. From The Beatles to CSN&Y to Oasis, it is all there and and at intervals melodies and harmonies that are just perfect. That moment when between the different voices and notes the air seems to start vibrating with something extra that is not a part of the individual voices, it is the harmony. Sunday Sun offers that and more: The shear power and joy of singing.
100% unplugged. Photo: Wo. |
The highlight of the evening seemed to be then they played my three favourite songs of the EPs. The finally-a-song-I-know feeling was triggered in my brain. Singing along and thoroughly enjoying the moment, but it wasn't. The band stepped off the stage with just a ukulele and four voices (and handclaps and a tambourine). The first song was good, the second with the addition of an acoustic guitar was heaven. And we all got to join in as well. The distinctions between the four voices that sounded so pure. The little changes in notes to make harmonies, one voice stepping out off the fold to add a small line. The solo singing with others chiming in. All right in front of me. A real musical highlight, Crosby, Stills & Nash have real competition and its name is Sunday Sun.
Jan Teertstra. Photo: Wo. |
Sunday Sun basically presented its new songs. There were a few that are just fantastic, some that I thought were just too far fetched melodically and everything in between. In short just like when I listen to a new album for the first time. After that songs have to grow. I'm looking forward to the new album, but have to be patient for at least five months. Exciting times as Yoshi Breen told me. Sunday Sun has some career choices to make before releasing the new songs. In September we'll know. I can't wait and when I know you will know, dear reader.
You can listen to 'Sunday morning'
* Wij ontvingen een bijdrage van Smo. over dit concert als bijlage bij een recensie over Beth Wimmer (http://wonomagazine.blogspot.nl/2014/04/beth-wimmer-live-in-ter-aar-en-logopedie.html):
ReplyDelete"Vrijdag werd ik ook al op Bade en Sunday Sun getrakteerd namelijk: ook heel fijne stemmen om naar te luisteren. Allemaal mannen: ik kan ook heel jaloers zijn op mannenstemmen omdat ze in staat zijn om een enorm bereik te bestrijken. Bade kon zowel in de lage tonen als hoog alles aan. De muziek mag nog een beetje groeien maar aan de zang ligt het zeker niet. Sunday Sun was zowel het bekijken (jaaaa wederom vrouwenobservatie maar dames: google ze maar ff, echt fijn!!) als het beluisteren waard. De schitterend a-capella werkjes waar de stem van vooral Yoshi Breen echt kippenvel gaf vond ik erg mooi en de dynamiek op het podium van de heren was geweldig. Waar vrijdag meestal een avond is om in slaap te vallen op de bank heeft Sunday Sun mij deze avond zeker wakker gehouden! Nice work!"