vrijdag 6 september 2024

Still Willing. Personal Trainer

In 2022, as some may recollect, I was not immediately besotted with Personal Trainer's debut album, 'Big Love Blanket'. In hindsight, it was one of the best albums of the year and of this decade. An album I played a lot over the past two years. With the release of Still Willing I can only hope not to make the same mistake.

The band can relax, I won't. After there is a level of expectation and recognition level that has to be met after all. Both are, and in a very satisfactory way. Personal Trainer with Still Willing takes its music to a next level, keeping itself firmly in the Dutch postpunk / alternative rock poll position.

Having listened to Still Willing multiple times by now, the album has stirred and shaken me (sorry 007), as the album shoots off in many and different directions, among and within songs. It shows how this band is progressing with giant steps. In the past two years Personal Trainer has learned to: infuse more pop elements from the past six decades into its songs and show restraint and abandon within anything from 10 seconds to a minute. The band just as easily strips a host of instruments and musicians, to next explode as if it is metal band or a rock symphonic orchestra.

It results in music that is even more varied than 'Big Love Blanket'. Yes, Personal Trainer is still an alternative rock band but like a band as Fontaines D.C. the development shows the band is no longer comfortable within that moniker and refuses to linger there exclusively. Other influences are let in, causing the band to show its growth and perhaps future direction. Signing to a U.K. label also shows ambition and may open doors and options that would remain closed from NL. To me this is a timely change, as this band is ready for more and should receive the opportunity to try.

Singer and band leader Willem Smit obviously is getting more and more comfortable with his role as front man. Although the way he uses his voice in some of the songs, makes me wonder whether he can keep this up in a day after day live setting. On record it shows passion, (dis)comfort and effort, making the album even more diverse than it already is.

What my favourite song is? That is far too early to tell, I notice. My mind keeps telling me something different the whole time. At this point in time I see the album as a whole, full of surprises, still. I will buy it at my local record store at the first opportunity and then start deepening my relationship with it. Just like I did with 'Big Love Blanket'. Ask me what my favourite song of that album is and I still say I keep changing my mind. So, there you go. Still Willing is off to a great start.

There's just this little thought in the back of my head. His previous bands all folded after the second or third album. This time it will be a real shame, as Personal Trainer is next level in all ways. Persevere!

Wout de Natris - van den Borght


You can listen to and order Still Waiting here:



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