zondag 26 mei 2024

News Of The Universe. La Luz

While it's not raining but pouring, I'm listening once again to the new La Luz album. Once again, I'm enjoying it so much. This album seems to have all a modern dreampop, dreamrock and psychedelic album at the end of the first quarter of the 21st century needs. La Luz is searing across the sky of its self-created universe.

La Luz entered my life with its previous album eponymous album from 2021. It caught my attention immediately but in no way did 'La Luz' prepare me for News Of The Universe. This album is in everything next level, and so much more.

It also no longer is the same band as it was in 2021. The only founding member left is singer and guitarist Shana Cleveland. The principle songwriter of La Luz scaled highs and lows since releasing 'La Luz'. She became a mother and became seriously ill soon after. It may all have led to an enormous extra boost of inspiration and determination, to make the best album possible, with no time to lose. Mission accomplished.

News Of The Universe is an album that is a mix of seriousness and playfulness. Both elements shine through the music of nearly every song. Cleveland may sing in a dreamy way, as if she's somewhere else with her mind. Daydreaming of other skies, to paraphrase T.H. White. The music underscores this dreaming, serious dreaming. Next come the arrangements. They are the second strength of the album and the playful side of the music. The solos, melodic parts and backing vocals can go off in any direction, with different instruments, sometimes at the same time. So, don't just think an electric guitar or two. They are there but also so much more. Here La Luz has steered away from anything that might hold it back. My impression is that anything went in the studio, just as long as it served the song and made it better.

For inspiration La Luz has scaled over past decades to find what it needed and was not afraid to go all the way back to the 1970s. The lyricless 'Close Your Eyes' may be the best example of how decades meet. With so much happening and so many sounds coming from everywhere. Not to forget the intricate la la las that move through the song.

I could sing the praise of every individual song on News Of The Universe but am not going to. News Of The Universe is a body of work that can only be praised as a whole. La Luz has made a fantastic album that I will play for a long time. Of that I am totally certain. This album deserves to be heard by the whole world.

Wout de Natris

You can listen to and order News Of The Universe here:


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