Photo: Wo. |
Slowly it has started to become blurry when The Lightning Vishwa Experience came into my life. My best guess is summer 2014. The song is etched in my mind by now as, and allow me to write this once again, it is one of the best songs of this decade. 'Love When You Don't Want It' is one of those songs that seem to hold it all. A memorable intro, a mystical verse, this great, great chorus as subtle as it is strong, a lovely guitar solo and the same great into that returns as outro. The show ended with that great song and all was well with the earth for just a few minutes. "Creating history" as singer and songwriter Gerrit Van Dyck calls it.
For years now The Lighting Vishwa Experience is The LVE and I am lucky to be able to say that this show was my third. What was new is that last spring guitarist Bert left the band. And then there were five. I noticed a few things that had changed because of this, but the most ear catching was the rhythm. Not all The LVE songs have a straightforward rhythm. This came forward much more in this setting. After the show drummer Joes Brands divulged he had been told to drum louder to give the music as a whole more body, but it was not just that. There also was more space to come forward in and to present the rhythm patterns, where they blended more into the whole in the past. So as a whole there was more space in the music which made each individual band member come out better. The same goes for the fancy bass notes of Rienk and the keyboards of Thomas and let me not forget the lovely interaction between singer Sara and Gerrit. (Of course this is also a compliment for the gentlemen mixing the sound. Well done!) But yes, at times I missed Bert's solo as well. So it was a bit mixed but also a new modus I will definitely get used to.
Photo: Wo. |
With songs like the afore mentioned but also 'Go Bad With You', 'Slo-Mo' and especially 'Sad Song' The LVE ought to have been much better known then it presently is. At my age the hitparade for almost 100% has nothing to do with the music I like. Probably as far as the songs I liked as a kid were to my parents' generation. Rap, dance, R&B and anything in between is as far away from The LVE as Doris Day and Louis Armstrong were to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. For people roughly my age this should be different, but how to get them from behind their tv sets and go and see bands they've never heard of? I have found that out: living room shows. Small shows with a high impact on listener and artist I might add. Unfortunately it is not a successful business model.
The LVE showed itself once again to be a great band with great songs. Nothing but a big smile from my side.
Photo: Wo. |
Wardrobe was a new band to me with one common denominator. Gerrit van Dyck plays guitar and sings background vocals in this band: "I have found my Steck". As it was a first acquaintance it is always hard to truly give an opinion but let me try anyway. First, in at least 50% of the songs the presence of Van Dyck is logical. Some of the twists in the songs sounded familiar to me. The other half were far more straightforward songs, even loud rocking ones. Second, the delicate interplay between the two guitars was often a joy to hear. Third, the presentation is funny, relaxed and showing a way to see things in perspective. Fourth, I found myself self liking several of the songs at first listen. Fifth, the drummer really likes to make himself heard where possible but is also not afraid to tone his playing down. So as a whole I stepped outside having seen a new band deserving a sympathetic ear in the future.
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