Saturday, 12 September 2020

Baudelaire & Piano. Susanna

Baudelaire & Piano & Susanna would have been the correct title for this album, as that is exactly what it is. The poems of Charles Baudelaire, translated to English by Anthony Mortimer and adapted to songlyrics sung by Susanna and played by her on a piano. That is all there is. This results in a serious album that is quite binary in the option it offers: either you take the time to spend time with it or you don't. I have and can tip everyone to do so.

Charles Baudelaire was a French poet from the middle of the 19th century. For me he's a name as I don't read poetry. It simply doesn't reach me. For someone like Patti Smith that's different. She travelled to his grave in France and spent time there. A man with a troubled, bohémien life who died prematurely, even for the 19th century, at the age of 46.

Susanna is Norwegian singer Susanna Karolina Wallumrød, who under the name Susanna since 2004 has released a string of records. The last one under the name Susanna and The Brotherhood of Our Lady, that was reviewed on this blog. (I would have like to write something on the piano but do not have any information.) 'Flower Of Evil' is the name of her fourth album, filled with cover songs ranging from ABBA to Harry Nilsson, so there was a link to Baudelaire before this album.

Susanna found the inspiration for this album in Baudelaire's most famous work 'Les Fleurs Du Mal' or 'The Flowers of Evil'. It results in a piece of work that is as serious as it is sincere. Susanna lends her beautiful voice to ten completely bare compositions in which there is no hiding for her. Her voice leads the way. The piano is only there as an accompanying instrument and nothing else. It never takes the lead anywhere, except as an intro.

This voice is worthwhile listening and to spend time with. The result is minutes spent in a musical cocoon, where Susanna is the guiding light and star. Her voice soothes and caresses me for a short while and there is nothing else left. There's no need for thought or other cares. Just my brain and Susanna's voice and piano playing. At times it is enough. And no, I will not play Baudelaire & Piano every day. Simply because the time to do so with the intensity that is needed, is simply not available to me that often. When I do however, it is time extremely well spent. There's beauty and there's beauty. I'll let you decide in which category Baudelaire & Piano falls.


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