Friday, 21 March 2025

One Is Always Heading Somewhere. Womb

Three siblings in one band releasing their third album. Cello, Georgette (Brown) and Haz Forrester released their first album 'Like Splitting the Head from the Body' in 2018 and EP 'Holding A Flame' in 2021. I missed on these two, but not the second LP. 'Dreaming Of The Future Again' received a positive review in 2022 on this blog and to all appearances One Is Always Heading Somewhere, released one week ago today, is heading for the same treatment.

Three years ago I wrote: "Womb specialises in long held synth notes that linger all through its songs. The singer sings with a half-sleepy voice, while the tempo is in the mid range. It's the drummer that keeps the listener alert in most of the songs." If I wanted to keep this fast and simple, I could have just repeated these words. In essence, they tell all.

What you would have missed, is my underscoring how tremendously pleasant listening to Womb's new album is. Earlier this week, I praised fellow New Zealand artist Reb Fountain and wrote how her music envelops me like a warm bath. One Is Always Heading Somewhere does just that but even more tranquil. There's not a single ripple on the water, just wallowing in the warmth and enjoying every single second of it.

Cello Forrester's voice meanders over the music. It's like she's sleepwalking, caressing her pillow in the meantime and the pillow happens to be my ears. She is singing for me exclusively, and I have no need for the rest of the world for a short period of time, as in the length of this album. One Is Always Heading Somewhere is the kind of album to disappear into.

Drummer Georgette at times keeps some kind of accents going, but she not in this band because she wants to drum like one of the most famous of drummers, "Animal". She is the paragon of reticence and voluntary restraint. Haz is responsible for all the atmospherics, although there are many guitar parts that can be described as such as well. Hazy, fading, in the background swaths of chords and notes, providing a mystical fog from which the rest of the song appears, but vague and almost otherworldly.

Womb has delivered another beautiful record. A record that deserves to be heard, far beyond the seas surrounding New Zealand.

Wout de Natris - van der Borght


You can listen to and order One Is Always Heading Somewhere Here:

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