Monday, 17 March 2025

Devil's Got It. The Devils

"Brace yourselves, dear readers. We are going all the way with the new The Devils album, 'Let The World Burn Down"', I wrote 13 months ago on this blog. I might as well repeat it today, as The Devils do it again and I would say a little bit better than before to.

The Devils is an alternative rock/garage rock duo from Napels in Italy. Gianni Blacula plays the guitar and sings here and there. Erika Switchblade plays the drums and is the principle singer. She got that devil on my tail kind of voice. Without becoming hysterical, she is the kind of woman who dared to go to that famous crossroad somewhere in the deep south of the U.S. Her voice has a tough edge that allows her to yell and scream in a deep, convincing way.

The music is pure modern style rock and roll, influenced from anyone between Link Wray, T. Rex and Jack White. There are dozens of duos active in this context and in 2024 The Devils was another nice addition. With Devil's Got It the band moves to the front runners. The Black Keys, no matter how much I like the band, may wish to be as alive as The Devils today. This band has the groove, the dirty sound, the rock and the roll, in other words this is pure musical sex.

Photo: Nathalie Rei
Devil's Got It becomes even stronger because of the moments that The Devils tone down, like in the field holler inspired song cum acoustic blues ballad like 'You Got to Take Sick and Die Some of These Days' and in the final song, Everyone Loves A Winner', when all the steam and pressure has been released and the duo can show another side of itself. 

Napels is a town sitting next to a volcano and volcanic fields and could erupt any moment. Humans are fantastic in just living their lives and pushing clear and present danger from their minds, unless it's acute. The Devils show it, as some of its songs either simply erupt or rumble fiercely and threaten the listener with what not. Danger is always present in this music, yet the duo remains where it is. It's Devil's Got It's great attraction for me. This album is more than just alive, it's on fire.

Wout de Natris - van der Borght


You can listen to and order Devil's Got It here:

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