© WoNo Magazine 2016
Not all
readers may be familiar with you. How would you like to introduce yourself?
I’m a
traveling songwriter. I’m from a small town in the middle of the US and
I’ve spent my entire adult life in Europe. My musical style makes me
sound American and my lyrics make me sound European.
The music
you play is generally called Americana. You live in Europe. Is it easier or
more difficult for you to write and play Americana now you live here in Europe?
It’s easier
to romanticize things when they’re far away. I rediscovered my love of
American country music as an immigrant in Europe. I use the spirit of
those songs as a security blanket and a way for me to feel at home wherever I
go. That being said, I often feel like it’s easier to write this kind of
music in Europe. Sometimes it’s hard to play it there though. Many
European listeners still pigeonhole the entire genre. When they hear the
title “country music” they instantly think of cowboys and cliché
bullshit. It’s hard to push listeners beyond that, but when you do it’s a
beautiful thing.
What were
your reasons to relocate and have you found what you were looking for?
I had many
reasons, but, funny enough, I think the main one was urban planning. I
just like the average European city more than the average American city.
European cities tend to be more livable. Life takes place on the streets,
in parks, in cafes, etc… In the average American city life takes place in your
car. That’s not really living for me.
You grew up
in the country. Now you live in a city of millions. What do you prefer and why?
I prefer
living in Vienna. I’m there more than I am in Berlin and more than I’m in
Missouri. I like it there because it’s a very compact city and the
countryside is close. Berlin is just too stretched out. Everything
is far away. In Vienna, you can experience a lot of culture around every
little corner and then jump on a tram and be up in the hills looking down on it
all in twenty minutes. I like the countryside and the friendly mid-western
people back in Missouri, but there’s not a lot of culture to keep me
there. It’s pretty conservative.
The music
you play in a way is very traditional. Who were the artists that influenced you
and in what way?
Bob Dylan
and Woody Guthrie were big influences on the way I play guitar. Willie
Nelson and Hank Williams influenced my songwriting. Gillian Welch, Nina
Simone, Joni Mitchell and Edith Piaf influence my soul.
Were you
raised on country style music or did this happen somewhere along the way?
I was
really into 90’s pop country when I was a kid, but I lost touch with it as I
got older. I reconnected with it when I moved to Europe. Gillian
Welch is who reignited my love for it.
Your album
is called ‘Nero’. This sounds like burning bridges, a theme that is addressed
in ‘Too Bad’ as well. Are you a person to burn his bridges behind him and start
I use this
lifestyle as a justification for a lot of things. One of them is leaving
people, places, and situations behind. That means I don’t have to burn a
lot of bridges. I just leave them to rot behind me and never cross them
There are
also some hints at vengeance on ‘Nero’. What makes the theme so attractive to
sing about?
I like that
question. Maybe vengeance is tied to a desire for justice. If we
have faith in humanity, which is something that I often wish I had more of,
then maybe all of us have a deep desire for justice. But justice comes in
so many forms and is distorted by the ego and group affiliation. What is
justice for you may be unjust for me. Now I’m rambling… Maybe everyone
feels like they’ve been treated unjustly by someone else, by themselves, or
just by fate. Everyone has a wrong to right. Everyone can relate to
The almost
upbeat song ‘Almost Darling’ tells us that you have changed. It touches on the
same emotions that Gene Clark could touch upon for me. What inspired you to
write this song?
There’s a
very personal story behind “Almost Darlin’” that I’m not going to put into
writing. But, in a nutshell, it was about a time when I got too close to
a person who I should’ve kept at a distance.
Is there a
typical way an Ian Fisher song comes into existence?
You made
‘Nero’ with a set of musicians and producer Fabian Kalker. Does the
instrumentation and harmonies of a song grow in the studio or do you have a
finelined idea before you start recording?
I had been
playing the majority of the songs from the album at concerts for a year or two
leading up to the recording of the album. Those which I had played
frequently were quite established. Those that were new were very much
shaped by our time in the studio. On a more basic level, a lot of the
keys and tempos changed in the recording process. We lowered almost every
song by a half or whole step and slowed everything down. If we would have
recorded an album full of live versions, then it would have been a lot faster
and higher.
You chose
to work with Snowstar Records for ‘Nero’. How did this collaboration come
I met
Cedric Muyres, the founder of Snowstar Records, years ago while on tour with my
old friends from the Dutch/Finnish band, Town of Saints. We stayed in
touch, became friends, and decided to start working together. Easy
as that.
‘Just Like
A Stranger’ is a song, besides reminding me of Damian Rice, is about
dislocation, something everyone who moved in his life can relate to. How is
this for you? Do we have to take the lyrics literally?
I’m glad I
moved away, but there are two sides to every coin. This lifestyle can be
pretty alienating at times. It can even alienate you from the people with
whom you grew up. It’s happened to me several times that people in my
home town have asked me what country I’m from. That’s a strange
feeling. I wrote “Just Like a Stranger” in my hometown of Ste. Genevieve.
Every word is true.
‘Nero’ is
the first album, solely, under your own name. How did this “fresh start” come
I changed
it because got tired of answering questions about my band name in interviews.
What song did you hear on that “rambler’s radio”?
It’s the
title of the song. Listen to it again and think about it.
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