Every day seems weirder than the previous one in the last few weeks. So, let's focus on the singles of this week. We have a few really, really beautiful and good ones lined up for you. In fact, many new names can be found here this week, which is rather special taking into account that the blog is in existence 13 years (!) this week. Congratulations to ourselves. There are over 4.800 posts in our archive for you to peruse. But first, let's enjoy the latest 10 posts today.
Prayer To The Year. Liz Overs
Overs is a new name on WoNoBlog, but Chalk Horse Music and Liz Pearson
are not. In March 'Nightjar' will be released, her first album under the
name Liz Overs. Prayer To The Year was released late last year for the
sun solstice, so I'm a bit late. Better late than never, as Prayer To
The Year is a beautiful single. Dreamfolk, why not introduce this
moniker on the blog. Liz Overs sings a double tracked vocal, the one
more dreamy than the other. Accompanied mainly by a banjo and all sorts
of atmospherics that move in and out of the mix. Sometimes it leaves the
impression of being there. Is there really a sound or is it a spooky trace I'm hearing? I just can't get my ear around it really.
All together it provides Prayer To The Year a superb feel, making it
beautiful, anachronistic and modern at the same time. I can't wait to
hear more soon.
Too Much? EP. Mood Bored
Bored returns to the blog with its second EP. Of the four songs two
have already been released as digital singles. That only leaves two new
songs, which is a shame as Mood Bored shows the progression that a band
hopes for after its debut EP (2023) and playing shows, as with label
mates POM. The Tilburg trio finds the right mix between alternative rock
and a more punkrock oriented form of music. 'Wet Faced & Ugly' is
the odd one out. The song is an alternative rock ballad, where Mood
Bored moves towards a band like Porridge Radio. The opening song, 'All
The Time', lies somewhere in between the two. It has a hint of Wet Leg,
but most of all a huge explosion that makes me forget the song started
off quite relaxed. Singer Myrte Driesenaar shows off her different
voices successfully as well. The two opening songs present Tramhaus
with freshly washed faces and nicely combed hair. The band is playing
more conventional alternative rock and not post punk, is what I'm
saying. It does have the energy and quality to write, play and present
good songs, like Tramhaus. The comparison is a compliment and a
well-deserved one. As I already said, it's a shame there are only four
songs on this EP, as all four songs are better than the ones on 'Bored'.
The band is ready for more.

Besties. Black Country, New RoadI
was about to click this away, as the song is driving me crazy.
Every time I think the song develops in a certain direction, it sways
somewhere else and again and again and again and again. It's impossible
to make heads or tails of this song. Undoubtedly it's extremely clever,
but it's driving me nuts. That feat deserves a few words, I decided, as not many
songs have accomplished this state of mind with me. I may not like a song, think
it's horrible or totally not my taste. Black Country, New Road with
Besties has a totally different outcome. I hear things I like and then
it changes and again I hear something I might get to like and then it
changes, etc., etc. No one has ever done anything like that before, but I'm not
listening to it again. I've given up.
Lonely For You Baby. The DevilsNearly
one year ago The Devils' album 'Let The World Burn Down' received a
very favourable reception on this blog. Already here is a new single of
the garage rocking duo from Napels, Gianni Blacula and Erika
Switchblade. It's drummer Switchblade who sings, with guitarist Blacula
doing background duties. Expect once again a dirty sounding guitar over a
sound rhythm. The references to other garage rocking duos can be made
with ease and is just fine. The Devils rock so dirty that my late mother
would have made me wash my hands after listening to the record. I'll conclude writing that this single is recommended listening for fans of rock and roll in the 2020s.
I Want You (Fever). MommaHow
many alternative/indie rock bands are there in Brooklyn? It looks like
as many as its namesake Breukelen over here in NL has inhabitants. Momma is
another band that plays music that sounds very familiar, musically and
vocally. You can figure that out for yourself. I would like to focus on
the the way the song combines a lot of energy with relaxed singing, if
not slacking at some points in the song. Etta Friedman and Allegra
Weingarten share vocal duties (and play guitar) and both have a dreamy
quality to their voice. Around them a storm can start cooking and
regularly does. Aron Kobayashi Ritch and Preston Fulks make up the other
half of the band and storm cookers. I Want You (Fever) is a song that sounds familiar but that wall of sound it creates, attracts me just the same. Album
'Welcome To My Blue Sky' is out on 4 april.
Bronze Age Collapse. The MistonsDid
the Bronze Age collapse or did it adapt to iron after the invention of
smelting iron ore? A good question that I do not have an answer to. A
bit of both most likely. The song is one from 'Single', yes a 7", The
Mistons plan to release soon. The band is from Portland, Oregon and
delivers dirty, almost primitive alternative rock with infusions from
punk and garage. The band has known many line ups through the years but
has one constant, Sean Croghan, who played in many other bands through
the years as well. With one common denominator for me: I haven't ever heard of
any of them, including The Mistons, until today that is. Or so I
thought, as the band was in the single section of this blog twice before in the past
four years. Bronze Age Collapse is a dirty rocker, recorded as if it was
recorded straight to a cassette tape with only one mike in the room.
It's enough, this song rocks!
Our Hearts Need Electricity. Cold ExpectationsCold
Expectations is a name that can be found on this blog since 2021 with a
range of singles. Our Hearts Need Electricity is no exception. I'm
surprised how much the singing sounds like Cottbus, Germany's Para Lia.
That is coincidence, no doubt. The title of the song has to be taken
literally, as singer-guitarist Steve Prygoda had to undergo surgery for a
pacemaker inplant to stay alive. It's clear that he survived to sing
about it and gave him the new energy to do so. What I notice is that the
song, perhaps unintentional, has stop starts moments, that make it all
but a fluid song. It starts with a sort of wave sound, applying music to
the wave of a heart monitor machine? Or so it seems to me. The singing
with bassist JoEllen Saunders is exquisite, a great strength to the
Hearsay. AnikaAnnika
Henderson was born in the U.K. but now lives in Berlin. She makes music
under the name Anika. She will release her new album, 'Abyss', on 4
April. In the meantime I'm listening to the single Hearsay. It is a
stark, alternative rock song, with dirty guitars going full out, albeit
mixed into the semi background. In the beginning of the song, when it is
far more bare, I'm remembered of Sophie Hunger, the Swiss artist who
moved from Switzerland to Berlin. In the music and in the special way both Anika and Sophie put an
accent on words. Coincidence? I can only guess so. Hearsay is a song
that is built up in a great way. Bass and drums and Anika's voice with
an effect on it before the "ordinary" rhythm guitar comes in. From there
more and more joins the song, until the song is cooking up a storm of music. Anika
promises that 'Abyss' contains a lot more of this energetic music. Patience is the word for now.
I Just Do! girlpuppygirlpuppy
is the project of Atlanta, Georgia's Becca Harvey. With her single I
Just Do! she combines pop, girl like singing and alternative rock. The
song begins with a drumcomputer rhythm before the song really starts. Still,
she is not giving away her true colours. The explosion in the chorus are, when
the effect pedals are kicked in. Surprised, I am thinking of New
Zealand's The Beths, who can explode so successfully as well. The
difference is that pop part in the verses and the very girlish vocals of
Becca Harvey. She created the basic ideas of I Just Do!, before turning to producer Alex Farrar. Together they turned the song into the powerhouse it is. On 28
March the album will be there. It's called 'Sweetness'.
All Together On 3. Push Puppets"Vaguely
familiar and brilliantly original", stated the bio accompanying
introducing All Together On 3. Vaguely? I can't help to suppress a
laugh. It is as if I'm listening to a song by an aged voice of Neil Finn
of Crowded House (and Split Enz) fame. The song starts as a Beatles
inspired intro, so that aligns with Mr Finn's music as well. Push
Puppets is a band around songwriter Erich Specht from Palatine, near
Chicago. Together with Steve Frisbie (backup vocals and guitar), Kyle
Magnusson (keyboards), John William Lauler (bass) and Greg Essig (drums)
Specht goes for the perfect pop song. All Together on 3 is a good
effort in doing so. The song is rich in sound and melody. At the right
moments instruments are added and let go of again, making the song very
much alive. Where Crowded House is concerned, Push Puppets may be
overdoing it a little, but that does not mean All Together On 3 is a bad
song. Far from I'd say. Album 'Tethered Together' is out on 16 May.
Wout de Natris - van der Borght