Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Disappointment Machine. Arliston

Arliston's album review was in the air. After the singles reviews in the past months it became kind of predictable. Yet, it was harder then might be expected. I will come to that later. First, let me state that Disappointment Machine is an album that does all but disappoint. It is an album filled with wide swaths of atmospheric music, that seldom becomes concrete. In fact many sounds are sort of obfuscated in digital treatments. This makes for a very solemn sounding album, that I have to be in the mood for. It's not for every moment of the day.

Arlington is a U.K. duo, Jack Ratcliffe (vocals) and George Hasbury (guitar, production), releasing its debut album. Listening to it I am reminded of The National immediately or more specific its singer Matt Berninger. Ratcliffe is able to sing just as low but also has the vocal range to go far higher. The duo must be The National fans though, as the music has the same atmosphere regularly. As I am a late comer to the The National party, I had to settle into Disappointment Machine first.

Photo: Arliston
The three singles I've reviewed in 2024 somehow did not prepare me for a whole album of this moody music. As I liked all three, I took my time to get acquainted with the album. And slowly but surely it grew on me. Take the title track. I truly did not know what to think of it at first. And then I discovered the instruments that are added to the piano and atmospherics (percussion). Jack Ratcliffe's voice goes into the deep and into heights. Especially in the background vocals. Slowly but surely the track gets more beautiful and impressive.

This example sort of sums up Disappointment Machine for me. When I'm in the mood for this album I soar to great heights with it. If not, it sort of leaves me cold, because I cannot connect to its mood. In other words, this is a late evening album, preferably with a headset on, not disturbed by anyone. Tranquil moments like these are rare in a busy life, but have to be cherished immensely. I had one with 'Grace' yesterday evening and can imagine having one with Arliston sometime soon, listening to George Hasbury's music and production and travelling with Jack Ratcliffe's stories.

Wout de Natris - van der Borght

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