Photo: Rob Postema
For the second time Beth Wimmer played live in our living room. This time together with her partner and guitarist extraordinair Mike Bischof. Touring behind her new EP 'Nature' Wimmer has three shows in The Netherlands. With her back catalogue of five beautiful albums the audience was treated to a two hour long stream of originals alternated with a few nice covers of hits from the past and an Alison Kraus - Robert Plant cover. In between stories of life, love and loss were told, introducing the songs.
Her songs vary between singer-songwriter, country, folk, pop and softer country rock. What ties them together is the beautiful voice of Beth Wimmer. The kind of voice that captures people. It is exactly what happened on Saturday. Most people present had never heard of her before and went away impressed and a fan. There also were a few fans who were present in 2017 and really wanted to be there again, bringing friends as well. That is exactly how an artist grows.
Photo: Rob Postema
I honestly wish I could fill a venue for her, as this is the number of fans a singer-songwriter with the vocal, melodic and song strength like Beth Wimmer deserves. If only I knew how. I'll give you a few reasons. I've already mentioned that beautiful voice, where she can put all sorts of emotions into. Like someone said last evening: "I can see that she lives her songs". The lyrics all tell stories we all can relate to in one way or another. Paying more attention you will find that they truly are well crafted. Everything is in its perfect spot. This makes for very pleasant listening.
The music on the records is different from a duo setting. Yet it truly works out beautifully. In Mike Bischof Beth Wimmer has the ideal sidesman. Playing bass on his regular guitar and rhythm through his fingerpick style, alternating with lead lines and solos. (Thanks to Mike I now know where that fine country guitar sound comes from.) Add his harmony vocals and things become pretty perfect. So more than "Pretty Good", one of Beth's songs. Let's not forget his more than just good lead vocal on the Kraus-Plant-Page song 'Please Read The Letter'.
Photo: Rob Postema
There was a surprise for the audience in the encore. The band Karen and I play in, Sweetwood, does one of Beth's songs for about three years now. In the encore we played 'Better Than You Think' all together, with four part harmonies. With a final cover song, 'Heart Of Gold', the show came to an end. after about two hours and a little, including the break, with a well-deserved applause. It is truly an honour to have such talented musicians play in our home.
Again, being so close to an artist shows how people get totally wrapped up in the music and the presence of the artist. All obviously went home feeling 'Pretty Good'.
After the show, we struck a deal. The next time they come to Holland, they will play here again, regardless if Paradiso becomes a reality. Which it should, bookers of NL!
Wout de Natris
You can order Beth Wimmer's music directly through her website under music and on her Bandcamp page.
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