vrijdag 26 januari 2024

Big Sigh. Marika Hackman

Marika Hackman so far has always been a just-not-for-me artist. I never knew how to find my way into her songs. They never stuck. In 2024 this changed. First with the singles released in the past months and now with the, well most of the album. The first song is not for me. The rest is (very much) alright.

In the bio it says that Marika Hackman decided to change her approach to her music. It seems that explains why Big Sigh resonates deeply in me. Can I explain the change rationally? No, music is emotion and that is present in abundance on Big Sigh.

The album has a huge sound. The mix is as dense as it is wide. Music and instruments are literally everywhere I listen. Her voice seems to be everywhere on the record. There's no hiding nor necessity to do so. Everything is spot on. The monumental sound is part of the attraction of Big Sigh. Wait, before you go wrong. This album is not one big, monolith of sound nor consisting solely of big rock songs. Marika Hackman knows how to use dynamics, how to make a song swell and back down. Neither is she afraid to totally wind the music down. This is another part of Big Sigh's attraction.

Take 'Blood'. The song is small at the outside, atmospheric and mysterious. Is there anything lurking in the background? What instrument will pop up? When is the song going to explode? I won't give it away. Do listen to it yourself. Even in its initial smallness 'Blood' has a big sound in the way it is mixed. Next, things even get smaller, musically and smaller still. My impression does not. Marika Hackman is in charge and winning (and does not forget the dynamics).

A solo piano song comes by, 'The Lonely House'. Not breaking but heightening the mood. Next, we move into electronics with the moody, slow 'Vitamins'. Again, the sound is so wide while music and atmospherics are everywhere. Again, I'm impressed with what I hear. It is like as if I want to look behind the music I'm hearing. As if a secret is kept there, almost within reach.

In 'Slime' the rock elements in Marika Hackman's music returns. Drums, bass, guitars are back in the mix. She sounds seductive, not necessarily as if the person she's luring towards her will come away unscathed. Like I already wrote, there's a lot of mystery involved on Big Sigh.

Wout de Natris

You can listen to and order Big Sigh here:


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