Sunday, 12 January 2025

2025. Week 2, 10 singles

Welcome in 2025 where the singles section is concerned. All singles from 2024 today, as I'm still catching up, despite striking out a truckload. There are some by favourites that I want to share with you. All others ran out of luck. A lot of Dutch bands and a few that are about to release their third album. All coincidence. For once there is not a single artist or band making its debut on the blog. Enjoy!

Tokio 7AM. Nagasaki Swim

Nagasaki Swim, the Rotterdam based band around Jasper Boogaard, is on its way to release its new album. One of the singles is Tokio 7AM. Of course, it is still a soft sounding song, as Boogaard's voice is soft-toned to start with. Within that universe this single is a tough song. Based on its driving rhythm and the accumulation of instruments Nagasaki Swim is in an almost rocking mood. Not that long ago I was travelling around the time and town mentioned in the title to the airport also mentioned, so I can relate quite well to this song. But that is not enough for a review. Although the music fits in with internationally more famous bands like The War on Drugs, Nagasaki Swim is able to give its own swing to Tokio 7AM, which makes it more likeable than its U.S. colleagues. More sympathetic too.

Elephant. Tawny Ellis

Tawny Ellis returns the blog with a song that in my younger years would have been called Adult Oriented Rock. You can guess what I thought of that kind of music then (and in most cases still do). Elephant is a song that I can recommend though. Ms Ellis manages to mix the kind of music that conjures up memories of the better Christine McVie and Stevie Nicks songs in their Fleetwood Mac hey day days with smooth rock. Yes, that all sounds very mature but not less pleasant at that. Her voice takes me through the song with ease, while the accompaniment of band and background singer make the song so suave in sound. Think of a nice sounding piano that slowly tinkles away some solo notes, sustained by a warm Hammond organ, while the rhythm section is solid enough to keep us all awake. Simply very well done.

Town Lights Fade. Chris Eckman

Chris Eckman's previous album made it well into my favourites of the first quarter of this century as did one of The Walkabouts'. It's time for a new album, that will arrive later this month ('The Land We Knew The Best'). In the meantime we have a first single. It is a slow affair drenched in the kind of beauty that comes with the best songs in Eckman's oeuvre. The kind that are of the slowest country rock one can imagine. His voice has its usual depth. For the first time in a long while, I am wondering what a song would sound like with Carla Torgerson at his side. Town Lights Fade is a song that could have been a The Walkabouts song and my feeling is that Chris Eckman avoided this association for a long time. Not here, and he touches the top of his songwriting skills with ease. That combination of mystery and every day life that graces all his best songs is here in all its glory. Only two weeks to wait for the album to come.

Night Or Day. Franz Ferdinand

While writing it is only one more day before the album is out, when you read this it is here. Night Or Day is the second single from the album and it is so easy to listen to to. No, it's not a major party song like 'Take Me Out' or 'Do You Want To'. Yes, it's a song to slowly undergo, to let it creep under your skin. A song that fits our ages. We are all 21 years down the road since 'Take Me Out'. Heck, I even visited Sarajevo and the spot where the crown prince was assassinated since then. Night Or Day is a piano driven song with a keyboard solo besides a guitar one. But when all is said and done you will find that Night Or Day is a party song, a song to move with and on. It's simply more subtle but suits Franz Ferdinand quite well.

alsof, ii. De Toegift

Met alsof schuift De Toegift weer iets meer richting Spinvis, maar verliest zichzelf niet. Allesbehalve zou ik zeggen.  De band wordt steeds vloeiender en mystieker. alsof klink zo volwassen, alsof de band al jaren actief is in plaats van op weg naar de tweede LP (7 februari en een mysterieus klinkende titel, 'kleine auto, grote hot wheel'). De prachtige single vervloeit over in het instrumentale 'ii', dat de sfeer alleen maar mystieker maakt. Naast Spinvis moet ik ook denken aan de nestor onder de Nederlandse singer-songwriters Boudewijn de Groot. Zanger Maxim Ventulé heeft zeker wel eens naar hem geluisterd als ik de frasering in zijn stem hier hoor. alsof klinkt fantastisch door de manier waarop de keyboards blenden met de achtergrond zang. Het lijkt wel Keltische mystiek met klanken die door de mist, die over een Iers moeras hangt, door klinken. Deze single maakt heel erg benieuwd naar de nieuwe plaat. Nog één maand wachten.

All The Time. Mood Bored

More from The Netherlands, Tilburg to be exact. Mood Bored can be found on this blog since the release of its first single. With All The Time the band sets another step towards its second EP, 'Too Much?'. All The Time is a song that holds back in a nice way. The tension is slowly built up without giving away whether it will be released or not. The bass plays in a familiar (Krist Novoselic) way, almost slacker style, with the drums as it were pushing it forward. The guitar plays just a few notes. This gives singer Myrte Driesenaar all the time in the world to sing the verses. The chorus is tougher of course. Mood Bored plays brilliantly with the light and the shade during All The Time. And that release? You will have to listen for your self to find out. Let me conclude that I'm totally pleased with Mood Bored's new single.

Out Of Depth. Marathon

With Out Of Depth, containing the title of the upcoming debut album 'Fading Image', 11 April, Amsterdam's Marathon sets another step in its career. Ever since 2022 the band can be found here. Singles, a live show and and EP. With Out Of Depth the band is closer to Rotterdam band Tramhaus than ever before. And I'm not sure whether I'm happy with that development. Kay Koopmans is emulating Lukas Jansen, while the music has the same energy. Agreed, the music almost moves into metal territory towards the end of Out Of Depth. That makes it different alright. Still, I'm inclined to give Out Of Depth the benefit of the doubt. Successful bands are there to copy and then find your own voice, but I thought Marathon was attaining its own already. So, based on the past, I'm sure that Marathon has the imagination and quality to do so. I'm still looking forward to the album.

Words Lost Meaning. The Murder Capital

The Murder Capital is on route to its third album. To be honest, I have both previous albums but lost interest in both after a while. That makes me sceptical of number three before its release. Single Words Lost Meaning nevertheless is interesting enough to write about. It's grungy and dark. What's happening here, is saying I love you has gone out of style but it's also uncertain by what it will be replaced. Will it be I need you or I don't need you any longer? That is what I get out of the lyrics. Both are negative in my opinion. Singer James McGovern sings with a near dead voice, not exactly bringing something to the party or answer. The music matches the uncertain mood. Words Lost Meaning is a dark affair, not a song to play under all circumstances. Intriguing it is though.

If U Know U Know. Cari Cari

And here's Cari Cari once again. Present on the blog since 2018 with 'Anaana' and working towards album number three as well. Don't expect any surf ridden and reverb drenched song this time around. If U Know U Know is the most easy going song the Austrian duo has released to date. Drummer and singer Stephanie Widmer and guitarist/singer Alexander Köck are totally laidback on their latest song. In how far this is representative of what is to come, I can't tell yet. My anticipation is tested but listening to the song again, I can say that If U Know U Know is quite alright. Live it will come with some more attack, I expect. A whole album like this may be a bit much though.

Pony. The Men

To my surprise I've already reviewed three albums by The Men. As an excuse I can state that the first two were in the first two years of the blog in 2012 and 2013. The third one was ten years later in 2023. With Pony the band returns with a new single and a truckload of punkrock energy. If I have to compare, Pony is the sleazy version of traumahelikopter's latest album, 'Save Yourself'. The Men is around for a long time. Upcoming album 'Buyer Beware', release 28 February, is the band's 15th. Judging by Pony the band has not given in an inch where energy and songwriting is concerned. Pony is upbeat, dirty and has a melody despite all the storm going on in the two minutes and 50 seconds the song last. Take a listen and you notice how the band saves and releases energy the whole time in the verses. The Men know how to make a song interesting.

Wout de Natris - van der Borght

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